
public enum UserActions

A namespace for various UserActions types.

  • A location in the UI where view controllers can be presented from.

    On iPhones, action sources aren’t used, but on iPad or Mac, they’re used when an action presents a popover view controller. The source indicates where the popover is shown from.

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    public enum Source
  • A context that tracks the lifecycle of a single invocation of a user action.

    The context tracks the result of the action and reports it back to the runner. It also provides a way for action implementations to interact with the rest of your app.

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    public class Context<Action> where Action : UserAction
  • A key used to store and retrieve app-specific data from a Context in a type-safe way.

    Create one and save it in a constant, specifying the type of value you will store with the key:

    let managedObjectContextKey = UserActions.ContextKey<NSManagedObjectContext>()

    Then, in the user action runner delegate or in your action types, you can set or get values with that key:

    context[managedObjectContextKey] = yourManagedObjectContext
    // ...
    let objects = context[managedObjectContextKey]!.fetch(fetchRequest)

    You may find it more convenient to define accessors for the key on an extension of Context:

    private let managedObjectContextKey = UserActions.ContextKey<NSManagedObjectContext>()
    extension UserActions.Context {
        var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext {
            get { self[managedObjectContextKey]! }
            set { self[managedObjectContextKey] = newValue }
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    public final class ContextKey<T> : Hashable
  • A runner that performs user actions in a particular context of the app.

    A UserAction does not get performed directly. It describes how to perform an action, but it does not actually do so until an action runner performs it.

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    public class Runner